Thursday, May 27, 2010

Armed with a bit of knowledge about Twitter is all about, share your thoughts on the fast growing online phenomenon.

I use Facebook and Flickr so I probably won't start using another online site. I'm not that interested in comments from people I don't know. I found some of the spots I hit a bit surprising.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Was the site user friendly....?

The site was average for user-friendliness. It was momentarily confusing but not difficult. I plan to use this in the future instead of the scraps of paper I keep with lists of books I will read someday!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Do you see yourself using these tools?.....

Google Docs could be great if I want my docs and I don't have a laptop. I can bring them up wherever I go, I think? Any of these would be great with a smart phone. I'm pleased to know about them but probably won't use them.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Comment on Flickr and YouTube. Were they user friendly?

These two sites were fun to use and yes they were user friendly.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

were you able to successfully set up your RSS feed?

This is a great tool to gather info or just for interest. I am definitely going to share this with friends.

Monday, April 19, 2010

What do you like about the Google product?

It is easy to use and it knows how to spell. Even when I am a bit far out on the spelling it comes through. In maps, as I type my search it brings up choices to "click on". In the labs they didn't have French as one of the languages in the Transliteration which seemed strange, no Spanish either.
AND I can see your house from here!!!

Monday, April 12, 2010

For you, is Facebook useful or a time-waster?

It really isn't that useful but it isn't a time waster either. I use it to see what my "Friends" are up to or what they are thinking about. I was pressured into joining by some family members to prove that I am "with it!" Can't be a Groovy Gramma and not be on Facebook!!!!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Playing in Wiki

I added to the Calgary info. about the volunteers at the Olympics. Couldn't find grammatical errors in articles I chose.

Monday, March 29, 2010


I am comfortable using some of the Delicious lists for government and citizenship questions. The best tip I have is, "look on the right side and try to choose a subject that best matches the question". I have found it is easier to use especially when looking for government info.

Monday, March 22, 2010

What do you hope to learn from CPL2.0

I hope to learn what all these terms mean and do so I can answer the clues in the crossword puzzles I do every morning. These terms are starting to creep into everything we do.
